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Progress Report 1: June/July

Well, these first two months have had their ups and downs. Starting a small company with a boatload of research experience but almost no flight hours created a massive learning curve for our first two weeks on the job. Understandable, as we had yet to even see where drone services were needed in our immediate area. But fast forward a month and a half from when we began in late May, and the job market has now given us a chance to grow and gain experience in customer service and marketing. With the increased amounts of inclement weather in the DMV area during the summer months, our line of work centered around roof and exterior damage inspections.

In order to see the fruits of our labor, we both had to be patient. Some clients were stubborn in scheduling their inspection times; others had independent contractors biding their time around the property to pick up a business partner upon our arrival. In each job, there needed to be a certain amount of flexibility in the time it took to prep, to fly, and to talk with the customer involved. Even if the customer had extenuating circumstances that caused the job's pace to drag, maintaining professional behavior was a must.

So now, with some flights and some more knowledge under our belt, how do we continue? August will only bring more storms and more jobs. But after the 15th of this upcoming month, I leave to start my sophomore year at Virginia Tech, so my services for ROI will be split between Northern Virginia and Blacksburg. Maybe I'll find other drone enthusiasts that can give me advice on how this company can evolve to become better. Only time will tell.

Fly Smarter, Not Harder!


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